We return to Locke and shall be having a Tri-Skin Doins with YB1 & Joaquin Murrieta Chapter 13. Bring out your older Poor Blind Candidates for this action-packed Gentlemen Initiation. The work party starts at 8am sharp and all PBC must be turned in to the three Hangmen at this time. We encourage all Red-shirts to participate in this work party in cleaning up up the town of Locke like we did last year. Retreads will work through the History lesson and the HOCO shall start at 11am so that the new PBC’s shall be wearing a red shirt for the plaque unveiling of the Dai Loy Gambling Hall at noon, followed by drinks at Al the Wops and a Watering Hole dedication there at 12:30.
Prepay before April 20th to secure a Shirt of the Day
Redshirt Prepay Rub $13 ( includes Pin of the Day and a Chinese Chili dog) $20 at the gate
Retreads – $45 ( 3 skins, Pin of the Day and a Chinese Chili Dog)
PBC $70 ( 3 skins, Pin of the Day, Shirt of the Day AND A CHINESE CHILI DOG!)
Shirt of the Day $20 ( add $5 for sizes XXXL and larger)
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.
Brothers!! Join us for our monthly General Meeting.
Find out what’s going on with the Chapter.